Night is at its nadir and the moon-scythe’s light gets mocked to dizziness in the drunken sea Continue reading
Night is at its nadir and the moon-scythe’s light gets mocked to dizziness in the drunken sea Continue reading
By penetrating into the depths of the soul, one can recover a sense of the Primordial state and how it was lost. Continue reading
Thy Kingdom Come: The awakened will of the human being calls upon Christ for penance. The stages of the Passion are compensation for human guilt.
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The practice of poverty pins down the tendencies of the thief in the human being whose male side tends to seize and female side to keep indefinitely instead of waiting for the free gift or merited fruits of one’s labour. Continue reading
Before you think and choose, society takes over your being and moulds it, as is its right. Once you think and choose, remove those received imprints, that is to say, liberate yourself from contemporary habits, as is your right. Continue reading
Without the experience of guilt, there is no experience of the need for redemption, i.e., the Christ impulse. Meditate on these stages. This may lead to the realization of the intuition stage of the knowledge of the spiritual world, the goal of the First Beatitude. Continue reading
Human thought results in the diremption of the Cosmos, into Macrocosm and Microcosm. The Macrocosm is what we experience through our senses, the Microcosm what we experience through thought. Through our senses — colour, shape, sound, and so on — we ascertain that something is. But it is through thought … Continue reading
The poppy spirit makes a deal. She will take away your pains, assuage your anxieties, eliminate your fears. Continue reading
Plato, the father of metaphysical philosophy, had the experience of trans-cerebral thought, of thought not conceived but seen. That is why he could teach the method of the gradual elevation above cerebral intellectuality, the elevation from possible opinion (doxa), to a probable conclusion (dianoia) due to dialectical argument, and finally to the certitude of immediate perception (episteme). Continue reading
The nine beatitudes are the nine activities of the Comforter, the Paraclete, and are oriented to the perfect human being of the future. That is, they relate to the spirit-imbued human being. Continue reading