Imagine you could create the best of all possible worlds. What would you do differently. Continue reading
The Middle Pillar
This means that on the Middle Path, the return to God, the spiritual man must act first before he fully understands. On the upward path, Will changes from “my will” to “thy will” be done. Continue reading
Cast your soul to the sea
Cast your eyes on the ocean, Cast your soul to the sea, When the dark night seems endless, Please remember me Continue reading
The Zone of Innermost Desires
You are sitting at the bus stop, or shopping at the outdoor market. A man who calls himself the Stalker hands you his calling card with his phone number and a mysterious, yet compelling, tagline. Continue reading
Language of the Birds
The ideas are not images of gods but are the very consciousness of gods and demons appearing to initiates in the mysteries. Here we have gained entrance into the holy of holies of Plato’s philosophy, where eidos and idea become concrete and full of life as well as transcendent. Continue reading
The Holy Ghost Movement
The denial of the immateriality of the soul is a misuse of intelligence. Continue reading
Liberating the Guardian Angel
A man may be so noble, and of such lofty condition, that he shall be almost an angel. ~ Dante Continue reading
The Man of Heart
The Prayer of the Mind is the inner recitation of a prayer. When the prayer runs on its own, apart from the Mind, then it becomes the Prayer of the Heart. Ultimately, one can pray even during dreams. Continue reading
Prophets of Electrum
The prophets of electrum have accomplished the alliance of intelligence and the intuition of faith—the alchemical marriage of the moon and the sun. Continue reading
Meditation of Thais
Answers with no questions. Continue reading