On Being a Person

On Being a Person

What is virtual is not our reality within the Principle, but only the awareness we may have of it as manifested beings, which is obviously something quite different; and it is only through metaphysical realization that this awareness of our true being, which is beyond and above all becoming can become effective, that is actualized in the awareness Continue reading

Journey to the Center of the Mind

Journey to the Center of the Mind

The spiritual adepts were inner-world adventurers of the highest daring, the Tibetan equivalent of our astronauts—I think it is worth coining the term ‘psychonaut’ to describe them. They personally voyaged to the furthest frontiers of that universe which their society deemed vital to explore: the inner frontiers of consciousness itself, … Continue reading

In Defense of Descartes

In Defense of Descartes

One thing that struck me about Descartes, and I’ve remembered it my entire life, was that he was allowed to lie in bed in the morning. He retained that habit throughout his life as he believed it was “conducive to intellectual profit and comfort.” I’ve never had that luxury until the last dozen years or so. Since I am now blessed with insomnia, I awaken early in the morning. I just simply lie still with nothing but my thoughts and prayers. Every now and then a revelation comes to me and a post is born. Continue reading

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