The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail

Redemption is the restoration of the status quo ante before the Fall. That means the state in which there is the awareness of God’s presence in the life body; nature itself has been changed. But just as the Serpent was in the Garden, Lucifer is still present among us, not as Lord, but as tempter. He has no power over us unless by our consent. Continue reading

The Symbolic World

The Symbolic World

The fact is that people too often tend to think that if a symbolical meaning is admitted, the literal or historical sense must be rejected; such a view can only result from unawareness of the law of correspondence which is the very foundation of all symbolism. … For this reason the laws of a lower domain can always be taken to symbolize realities of a higher order. Continue reading

The Sense of Beauty

The Sense of Beauty

Earthly concerns are ambiguous: Aphrodite’s instruction may be the cunning of the Serpent or the Wisdom of Sophia. Cunning results from the ignorance of the vertical axis. It is the closed circle, so the cunning man is limited to past experiences and future projections. Wisdom teaches us to look with the eye of the heart. The world is Maya, illusion, but also a reflection of the Divine. Hence, Aphrodite can either entrap us or expose Reality to us. Continue reading

Reaching your full Potential

Reaching your full Potential

The attainment of these faculties of the Lesser Mysteries completes the evolution of the possibilities of the human state, lifting the being to the Primordial State. It is by this evolution that animal man can overcome Adam’s Fall, can become a spiritual man, and so be initiated into divine wisdom. Then he is prepared for the Greater Mysteries. Continue reading

The Votary of the Blue Flower

The Votary of the Blue Flower

And every day there were what are called the Green Hills; that is, the low line of the Castlereugh Hills which we saw from the nursery windows. They were not very far off but they were, to children, quite unobtainable. They taught me longing—Sehnsucht: made me for good or ill, and before I was six years old, a votary of the Blue Flower. Continue reading

The Demon Lover

The Demon Lover

The women in whom the demon lover appears are usually daughters of mothers who are devoted to the animus principle. They are the hard working women who do everything perfectly. They wake up at the right time, their schedules are always perfectly ordered and if guests are to come, everything must look as if it were in a catalogue. There is no space for flexibility or for a slow stroll in a forest, because she always thinks of things that “ought” and “must” be done. The mother herself never does anything to nourish her own being, and therefore cannot nourish the young girl’s psyche. Continue reading

The Boulangerie: A Parable

The Boulangerie: A Parable

When the Girl from Ipanema walks by, all the beach boys sigh. Just like the gravitational fields, she creates a distortion in the noosphere. As the psychic waves emanate, they affect the voyeurs in various ways. Some daydream of a day with her, some of a night, a few of a lifetime. Do they owe her a Brazilian Real for the sweet 15 minute daydream she gives them? Continue reading

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