St. John of the Cross and St. Theresa d’Avila never tire of repeating that the concentration necessary for spiritual prayer is the fruit of the moral purification of the Will. Continue reading
Meditation on the Immaculate Conception
One can also say that the incarnated human being is the product of two heredities—horizontal heredity and vertical heredity, the latter being the imprint of the individuality form above and the former being the imprint of the ancestors here below. Continue reading
Good Vibrations
When your crazy new age friend tells you that everything is vibration, she is not wrong. But when your hard headed scientific friend tells you that “miracles” are impossible because they “break” the laws of physics, he is likely wrong. Continue reading
The Word is made Flesh
Reintegrated consciousness, the Kingdom of God, or the Primordial state requires a rebirth in the Spirit and Water, to be able to hear the Spirit and reflect it accurately. This is how the Word expresses the Silence. Continue reading
Advent Meditation 2: Purity of Thought
The vow of obedience is the practice of silencing personal desires, emotions and imagination in the face of reason and conscience; it is the primacy of the ideal as opposed to the apparent, the nation as opposed to the personal, humanity as opposed to the nation, and God as opposed to humanity. Continue reading
Fernweh: I belong not in this place
I think that I belong not in this place Continue reading
Advent Meditation Week 1
Just as we celebrate and anticipate the Incarnation of the Logos on the material plane, so, too, we want to prepare for the analogous birth within the human soul. Continue reading
The Church of John
The Church of John is in your heart and mind, especially when you are joined with two or three others. So to any self-appointed guardians of orthodoxy, I ask “What’s it to you?” Continue reading
The Word is Silence Expressed
A myth refers to that which is inexpressible, that is, something that can only be expressed indirectly by means of symbolic representations. Continue reading
Sacred Science 108: The Subtle State
The Self or Atman, manifests itself as a soul (jivatman) in the living form of the individual human being. It is covered in a series of successive sheaths, or koshas, representing phases of its manifestation. Continue reading