Fractured and unadorned review of Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point. Continue reading
Sacred Science 104: Essence and Substance
Purusha and prakriti are the two poles of all manifestation. Purusha is the active principle, represented as masculine.
Prakriti is the undifferentiated primordial substance. It is the passive principle, represented as feminine. Continue reading
The Butterfly Lovers
The first of men, Fuxi crystallized the Primordial Tradition, Lao Tzu drew from it a body of doctrine, Confucius drew from it a system of morality. Continue reading
Sacred Science 103: The Vital Center
Brahmin, or the Divine Spark, resides in the vital center of every human being, not just for the one who is united or liberated. The heart is the center of life and esoterically refers to the seat of intelligence. Continue reading
Sacred Science 102: The Self and the Ego
Guide to Chapter 2, The Self and the Ego, from Man and his Becoming. Continue reading
Sacred Science 101: Introduction
Our online discussions for 2022 begins with an extended commentary on Man and his Becoming by Rene Guenon. This is based on our new translation, which will be published by the end of the year. Continue reading
Why Society is so Toxic
I like to maintain a library of old books. There is great pleasure in rethinking forgotten thoughts and ideas. Continue reading
In the knowledge of the Mysteries it is known that the great leaders of mankind, the initiates, are those who help humanity take a new step in development. Lohengrin is the messenger of the Holy Grail. Continue reading
The Garden of Allah
We are believers, Boris, we know this isn’t all, it can’t be. Surely in that other world, the real and lasting world, we’ll be together forever. Continue reading