What is needed is not a revolution in the opposite direction, but the opposite of a revolution. Continue reading
A Revolutionary Kind of Science
There are bona fide phenomena that are unverifiable, unmeasurable, undetectable, unfalsifiable, irreducibly complex, chaotic, nonlinear, unexpected, unwanted, unexplainable, uncommon, unusual, and unique. Continue reading
Behold your mother!
The symbol announces a plane of consciousness distinct from that of rational evidence; it is the “cipher” of a mystery, the only means of saying something that cannot be apprehended in any other way. Continue reading
Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
One cannot steal moral dignity, or plunder justice, of appropriate benevolence. These goods are unconditionally desirable. Continue reading
The Elite and the Gospels
The Gospels were written, not by members of the religious communities, but rather by a Greco-Roman cultural and intellectual class. Continue reading
The Secret Garden
I hear the birds sing of love, too, I look at the cloudless sky and watch the shepherd guide his herd into the neighbor’s garden, I feel the sun, the passion and I can’t stop thinking of you. You are everywhere. Continue reading
The beautiful beings beloved by Ibn Arabi and Dante transfigure human eros; she becomes for each of them a theophany of Divine Love. Continue reading
Sophia, the Wisdom of God
He revived in our Christian consciousness ancient and eternal truths, but under new names: the fundamental truth about collective essence of the World Soul and the consummate truth about the life of the dead. Continue reading
Hierarchical Order among Mankind
All practical esotericism is founded on the following rule: it is necessary to be one in oneself (concentration without effort) and one with the spiritual world (to have a zone of silence in the soul) in order for a revelatory or actual spiritual experience to be able to take place. Continue reading
The Path with a Heart
Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. Continue reading