Randomness, combinations, permutations, SETI, synchronicity, intelligibility. Continue reading
Category Archives: Musings
The Fog Travelers
This clinging to the fog may be the only way for the fog travelers, because their survival depends on their collective will to navigate the fog. Continue reading
The Secret Garden
I hear the birds sing of love, too, I look at the cloudless sky and watch the shepherd guide his herd into the neighbor’s garden, I feel the sun, the passion and I can’t stop thinking of you. You are everywhere. Continue reading
The Path with a Heart
Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. Continue reading
The Zone of Innermost Desires
You are sitting at the bus stop, or shopping at the outdoor market. A man who calls himself the Stalker hands you his calling card with his phone number and a mysterious, yet compelling, tagline. Continue reading
Meditation of Thais
Answers with no questions. Continue reading
Waking up among the Beasts
There is a way out that takes us beyond rationality and pure reason; it consists in the fact that philosophy is determined by an act of noumenal will. Continue reading
Sleeping Through the Junta
The fulfilment of the “American Dream” is for many societies, especially traditional ones, an eschatological nightmare. Continue reading
The Pelican, the Poet, and the Puer
God’s truth is hidden from the world. However, once God’s truth is revealed, there is an inversion of all values. Then revelation is the light, and the world is embedded in darkness. Continue reading
Sympathy for the Devil
His idea is this: There is evil in the world, wickedness in the world. If we, with our senses, behold the evil and wickedness, we cannot deny that the world is full of both. Continue reading