Kalashnikov Dreams


They say you can’t dream of your own death.

Last night I had a dream, though I now only remember the ending. My comrades and I were in an apartment; they were in the anteroom and I was sitting alone by the dining room table. A half-wall separated the two rooms, so the dining room was visible from the front.

Our enemies burst in, heavily armed, and began shooting my friends up front. One of them peered through the opening, aiming his AK-47 at my heart. I felt the panic and the adrenaline was flowing. I considered running, but there was no way out. I wanted then to plead for my life, but did not. A calm came over me, I closed my eyes lightly and started meditating while I awaited the bullet aimed at my heart. I was hoping to enter a nondual state so I could remain fully conscious at the moment of death.

Just then I realized I was awake with my eyes still shut.

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