- Spirituality
- Parable of the Coach
- Vladimir Solovyov’s Article on Swedenborg
- The Spiritual Guide of Miguel de Molinos
- Bezels of Wisdom by Ibn Arabi
- Inner Development by Valentin Tomberg
- A Different Christianity, by Robin Amis
- Eleven European Mystics by Rudolf Steiner
- Occult Phenomena in the Light of Theology by Otto Wiesinger O.C.S.O.
- Metaphysics
- Neoplatonism
- Gnosis, by Boris Mouravieff
- Integralism
- Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism, and Socialism by Juan Donoso Cortes
- Catechism of Pope St Pius X
- Vedanta
- Philosophy
- Thomas Aquinas: Treatise on Separate Substances
- How To Make Our Ideas Clear, by Charles S. Peirce
- Personal Knowledge, by Michael Polanyi
- Discourse on Method, by Rene Descartes
- A Guide for the Perplexed, by E F Schumacher
- Sex and Character, by Otto Weininger
- Minds, Brains, and Programs, by John Searle
- Is the Brain a Digital Computer, by John Searle
- What is it like to be a Bat?, by Thomas Nagel
- Computing Machinery and Intelligence, by Alan Turing
- Mathematics
- Cosmism
- Hermetism
- Fiction
- Science
- History
- Julius Evola
- Esoteric Catholicism and Integral Traditionalism
- Karma and Reincarnation, English language translation of Critica del teosofismo, from From Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo
- Julius Evola comments on Aleister Crowley, translated from Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (“Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality”)
- Julius Evola: A Justified Pessisism, translated from Un Pessimismo Giustificato
- Ultima Thule: Julius Evola and Herman Wirth
Review of the publication Ultima Thule. Julius Evola e Herman Wirth - Masters of the Right: Joseph de Maistre, Evola’s review of The St. Petersburg Dialogues
- Political Soldier, by Derek Holland
Unfortunately God, Destiny, call it what you will, has decreed that you and I must undertake this daunting task. Our forefathers had to confront similar situations and we must draw strength from their spirit which urges us on. It is upon the bedrock of their spirit that we must erect the banner of the Celtic Cross and defy all stupid enough to provoke the wrath of this nation.
- Ananda Coomaraswamy
- Positivism
- All Souls Day
by Charles Maurras, from Barbarie et Poésie - Auguste Comte by Charles Maurras
We would no longer be Frenchmen, nor the people who, after Rome, more than Rome, integrated rule to instinct, art to nature, thought to life, if Auguste Comte’s philosophy, eminently French, classic, and Latin, was only suitable to inspire us some doubts on the health of that great man. He reopened for us, who live after him in the vast bosom of the Great-Being, high sources of wisdom, pride, and enthusiasm. A few among us were a living anarchy. He rendered order to them or, what amounts to the same thing, the hope of order. He showed them the beautiful face of Unity, smiling in a heaven which did not appear too distant.
- All Souls Day
- After Strange Godsby T. S. Eliot
- Descarte’s Nightmareby Cologero SalvoThe contrast between the Traditional worldview as espoused by Julius Evola and the Modernist worldview of Rene Descartes.
The links have been restored. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
The links for the discourse on method and letters on Yoga are broken. Can you be of assistance.
Clear all cookies from your browser, and then restart it.
If that doesn’t work, then restart the computer or mobile device.
Then check the battery on your mouse.
When I click on “library” or “continue reading” nothing happens. How do you access the library?
I’ll consider a “reading list”, although there are many references to worthwhile books in the texts. The library seems accessible to me; perhaps a specific link is broken. If so, please provide details.
Anyway we can get a “Gornahoor reading list”? The library isn’t accessible and after buying meditarot and the gnosis circle I was hoping for more good recommendations.
Traditionalists seem to waste much time restating over and over what the originators of the school already wrote perfectly well. I must have read hundreds of books and articles that were nothing but rehashing the same material. Yet we find that many original works have never been translated into English or are simply unavailable. It just seems like that would be a priority. Now, if you want to sell your work then that is your business, not mine. If you wanted to do something in the spirit of Catholic charity, then that’s fine too. But I was only making a suggestion that would have seemed to have saved you and your readers some time.
That sounds like a plan. Perhaps you’d like to post the combined translations to the site as plaintext rough drafts, and capable readers can independently edit and prepare PDF versions, then share them here.
No need to even agree on a final version – Cologero can decide whether he wants to keep any in the library, and under what conditions. I would also include the original drafts as an appendix to any edited version for reference.
I’m sure quite a few of us would appreciate it.
Also, if you have any documents that you want converted to good quality PDF files with hyperlinks, bookmarks etc., let me know.
Exit, you still don’t know how to write a proper comment. You need to see Wolf of Wall Street and learn the basics, such as how to sell a pen. Obviously, you believe it would benefit you if I provide what you ask. But the answer to a “why not” question is easy; just ask yourself “who benefits”, or more traditionally, “cui bono”. If you cannot see how I would benefit, the question you ask answers itself.
The fact is that I do this blog pretty much alone, as well as the translations, the Tarot blog, mailing list, etc. Someone with an online presence, whose name you would recognize, assumed I do this full time. That is far from the case. Besides working full time, I have an active life. So, I’ll give you a chance to rewrite the comment, something like this:
Do you see, Exit, how that is a win-win? But I’m not picking on you; there are thousands of visitors every month.
Why not add Evola’s entire Sintesi di dottrina della razza in pdf format here and the rest of L’Individuo e il divenire del mondo?
Got it, remembered it was at Right Hand Path:
Thank you.
I don’t think so, as I checked the library archives (that expression has few hits on google). For one thing, I don’t think I would accept that characterization is it stands, so I doubt I would have endorsed such an essay. Could you be referring to Henry Corbin?
Sir, was there at one time in the library an essay by someone on the “ideal of unity in religion”? It was a Western protestant writer, and it may have been in the essays, but I can’t remember the author…
It was initially published in 1932. The translation is from the fourth edition of 1971 which is an amplification and updating of the previous editions.
Please advise: what is the original publication date of Evola’s Esoteric Catholicism and Integral Traditionalism translated by Cologero Salvo earlier this year?
Excellent site! Thank you for providing this! It is immensely helpful!
Vi segnalo l’ottimo libro di Nuccio D’Anna, Julius Evola e l’Oriente, Il settimo sigillo, Roma 2006