Cosmic Telepathy

A common man marvels at uncommon things; a wise man marvels at the commonplace. ~ Confucius

Cosmic Telepathy

About 20 years ago, a man, who was very active in occult and Theosophical circles, approached me with a very remarkable story.

He had met a woman with extraordinary powers. She had recently been released from the schizophrenia ward where she was being held unjustly. She claimed to be from a planet a great distance away. She revealed to him remarkable facts about the universe in general and her own planet in particular. Furthermore, in the middle of every night, she reported on her experiences of Earth life back to her own planet, on their equivalent of television via mental telepathy.

His desire was to introduce this woman to a wider audience (“for the benefit of humanity”), but he was having a difficult time convincing people to believe her and accept her with any seriousness. He then asked for my support and advice. As diplomatically as possible, I told him:

I bet they don’t believe her on her own planet either.

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