Although this book by Cortes was not one of Evola’s favourites because of its overt theological emphasis, it is still very valuable reading for several audiences. First of all, for counter-revolutionaries, it makes clear the ideas of liberalism and socialism and brings to awareness that this opposition to Tradition is … Continue reading
Category Archives: Donoso Cortes
All Things were restored to Order
Through the cross all who conquer gain victory; all who combat, strength; all who seek it, mercy; the unprotected, protection; those who are sad, joy; and consolation, all who weep. Continue reading
In pain there is something fortifying, manly, and profound
Pain establishes a certain equality between all those who suffer, which is to establish it between all men, for all suffer: by pleasure we are separated, by pain united in fraternal bonds. Pain removes the superfluous, and gives us what we want, and establishes a most perfect equilibrium in man: … Continue reading
Liberalism and Socialism
The war is really about worldview but no one notices. Metaphysics must be opposed to the rationalism of the liberals and socialists; the moral regeneration of man must be given primary place before political and social change. These voices are few, and where they do exist, they are unconvincing and their philosophy is inconsistent. Continue reading
The Flowering of European Civilisation
To the profound comprehension of this law of the intellectual generation of ideas, are due the marvels of Catholic civilisation. To that wonderful civilisation is due all that we admire and all that we see. Its theologians, even considered humanly, put to the blush modern and ancient philosophers; her doctors … Continue reading
The Absurdity of Socialism
To believe in the equality of all men, when we see them all unequal; to believe in liberty, when we see slavery established in all parts; to believe that all men are brothers, when history tells all are enemies; to believe that there is a common mass of misfortunes and … Continue reading
Life is the Absence of Sleep
The universality of sin necessitates the universality of purification, which in its turn requires pain to be universal, that the whole human race may be purified in its mysterious waters. This explains why all men born suffer from their birth to their death. Pain is the inseparable companion of life in this obscure valley, filled with our sighs, deafened with our lamentations, and moistened with our tears. Every man is a suffering being, and everything not painful is strange to him. Continue reading