Happy wife, happy life. ~ old wives’ tale
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want? ~ Sigmund Freud
On se lasse de penser, meme d’agir, jamais on ne se lasse d’aimer. (We get tired of thinking, even of acting. But we never get tired of loving.) ~ Auguste Comte
Women of Power and Virtue
Since most biographies at the time were about men, Giovanni Boccaccio redressed that imbalance in On Famous Women. He wrote about 100 or so women, mostly from antiquity. However, he was not simply interested in telling tales or repeating gossip, but rather in drawing moral conclusions from their lives. Hence, there are stories about virtue, greed, duplicity, adultery, loyalty, and so on. He did not regard women as pets who needed to be shielded from the harsh realities of life. In the story of Sulpicia, he makes that perfectly clear:
Women should not always be resplendent with gold and jewels; they should not always indulge in ornaments; they should not always flee the sun in summer and rain in winter; they should not always dwell within their changers; they should not always spare themselves.
To the contrary, the women he admired were as strong as men in their own way. When her husband Cruscellio, whom she loved dearly, faced hardships, she shared them also. Boccaccio explains:
When the blows of Fortune demand it, [women] must endure toil, go into exile, bear poverty, and face danger bravely with their husbands. This is the admirable service of women; these are their battles and their victories. Their striking triumphs are to overcome ease and luxury, as well as domestic difficulties, by means of their virtue, steadfastness, and purity of mind. In this way they win perpetual fame and glory. Let, therefore, not only those women be ashamed who follow the shadow of happiness with all their efforts, but even more let those be ashamed who shun seasickness, are worn out by light work, are frightened by foreign lands, and become pale on hearing the bellowing of an ox.
Women became rulers not because they crashed some imaginary glass ceiling, but rather because they displayed the qualities of leadership and fairness. Thus he write this about Dido, the Queen of Carthage:
She cast aside womanly weakness and hardened her spirit to manly strength, and for this she later deserved being called Dido, which in Phoenician means ‘heroic’.
Women could also be warriors, followers of Diana, like Camilla, Queen of the Volscians. Of course, a warrior requires self-discipline. Boccaccio draws this lesson from Camilla:
I wish that the girls of our time would look at Camilla and, seeing that virgin already adult and free amusing herself by running through fields, forests, and the dens of animals with her quiver, curing the pleasures of lascivious desires with work, refusing pleasures and amusements, abstaining from elaborate food and drink, and with constant spirit rejecting not only the embrace, but even the company of young men of her age, would learn from her example.
Men were often at fault, forcing themselves on women through their lust. Circe, the daughter of the Sun, affected men through her remarkable beauty. Boccaccio describes her effect on men:
She made many men become haughty because of her matchless attraction, and so those who through this wicked woman’s deeds appeared to have lost human reason, seemed to have been deservedly changed into beasts through their own crimes.
In this regard, she was hardly unique. Boccaccio continues:
If we consider human behaviour we can well understand from this example that there are many Circes everywhere and many other men are changed into beasts by their lustfulness and vices.
It is up to men themselves to overcome their lustfulness.
Ulysses, instructed by Mercury’s advice, [i.e., by Hermes], obviously signifies the wise man who cannot be bound by the trickery of deceit.
Although he praised the chastity of many of the women, Boccaccio was well aware of the sometimes overwhelming power of sexual concupiscence. Chastity, therefore, had to be the free choice of a mature woman, and he opposed forcing virginity on girls. Rhea Illa was forced by her brother to become a Vestal, pledged to eternal virginity. Therefore he rejects sending young women to the nunnery against their will. That leads to unhappiness:
To console their saddened hearts, they have recourse only to thinking how they can destroy their prison and flee, or at least bring their lovers inside, trying to take furtively the pleasure which has been denied them.
Hence, he concludes:
Girls must not be consecrated to God while ignorant, or young, or under coercion. On the contrary, they should be well brought up from childhood in the parental home, taught honesty and praiseworthy behaviour, and then, when they are grown and with their entire mind know what they are doing, let them submit to the yoke of perpetual virginity of their own free will and not under duress.
The Double Standard
The term “double standard” is hardly used any more. Not so long ago, it indicated that men and women were held to different standards in regards to their sexual activity. Presumably, men were admired for their sexual conquests, whereas women were condemned as sluts for being promiscuous. But life is not so simple.
There simply is not the same degree of difficulty. Almost any woman can walk into a bar and find a casual sex partner for the night. For men it is not so easy, since a few men get all the luck, but most would go home alone. Women are most attractive when young, but men mature later. After leaving the world of boys, they have to learn to deal with rejection, and only hard-earned experience will teach them what women want.
At a pool party some time ago, I met a fellow who was married to a TV sports executive. Although he had a normal build, she looked like a wrestler, a male wrestler to be clear. Seeing my pretty girlfriend, he must have felt he owed me an explanation. He had gotten drunk at a party, took her home, and one thing let to another. She got pregnant so he married her. His explanation, however, did not suffice, since they had a second child, probably not the result of a drunken orgy. He did the manly thing, rejected abortion, and married her. He really should not have been concerned about what other men think.
The British rag, the Sun, recently quoted a “study” claiming that sex on the first date is best to get into a romantic relationship. That just means that most men are so hard up for sex that they’ll latch onto any women who offers them a steady supply.
I used to be shocked at the number of women who were willing to cheat on their boyfriends or husbands with me. Were the husbands aware that their wives were in love with another man? Nevertheless, they were steadfast, presumably because they knew the fling would not endure for long.
On the other hand, we have the example of Hosea and Gomer. God wanted Hosea to marry her, despite her adulterous nature. So we should perhaps admire the cuckold for his faithfulness.
On the other hand, it is said that the angels rejoice when a man marries a prostitute and leads her to virtue. The ideal of the good-hearted prostitute persists into our own time, as the success of the movie, Pretty Woman, attests.
The Unhappiness of Women
Despite the overcoming of the double standard, about 20 to 25% of American women take anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications. Another group self-medicates with alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs. Women were supposed to have become deliriously happy since they could engage in sex at will, take birth control, and abort unwanted pregnancies. The sexual revolution has not been an obvious blessing.
Loss of Interest in Sex
At a lunch meeting with some old friends, a woman mentioned a “study” that claimed that youths were engaging in less sex. She thought that was marvelous, assuming that young people were returning to some sort of virtuous life. She was shocked, however, when I explained that the lack of interest in sex was due to masturbation. These youths are jerking off to online pornography.
When I was a youth, birth control was illegal except for married couples in Puritanical Massachusetts. When I got my driver’s license, I drove to New Hampshire to buy a pack of condoms. I kept one in my wallet, “just in case” the right occasion arose. A few years later, the day — or rather night — arrived. When I opened the package, the entire condom fell apart. I did not take into account that body heat would eventually dissolve the latex.
Starship Troopers
The film, Starship Troopers, has often been described as “fascist”. That term is falsely used to describe any sort authoritarian rule. The correct term is “tyranny”, since Fascism has quite a different agenda.
Actually, the story is based on ideas from Plato’s Republic, whether consciously or unconsciously, I cannot say. The hidden Guardians rule the state. The Producers are those in trade, commerce, etc. Although the Producers can achieve personal wealth, they have no part in the political life of the State. They are regarded as weak and their lives as dishonourable, lacking in meaning.
In between them, there is the group of auxiliary Guardians, or warriors. As in the Republic, one does not become an auxiliary through birth, but rather in must be earned. Another feature is that warrior births are regulated by the Guardians, so the warriors require a license to bear a child. In the Republic, the auxiliaries, both men and women, would do gymnastics together in the nude. That is shown in the famous co-ed shower scene in the film.
Some may despise that political arrangement, even though it was successful in repelling an invasion of alien intelligent bugs. Democracies most likely could not accomplish that today.
Mediocrity and the American Dream
There is constant talk in the media about achieving the “American Dream”, which, as far as I can tell, is to be a prosperous consumer with no higher values. After observing the behaviour of American politicians, it seems that the American Dream is that those of mediocre talents and virtue can obtain wealth and prominence.
A Korean professor claims that space aliens are mating with earthlings in order to bring about a superior race that will “save the planet”. I heard that there is a dating app for who would like to hook up with those aliens. So even if you yourself are mediocre, perhaps you could have an indigo child.
Except that Evola did indeed regard the Middle Ages as traditional.
It does not seem that you understand Tradition very well.
by Debbie Hadley
Updated December 30, 2018
The male honeybee, called a drone, exists for one reason and one reason only: to mate with a virgin queen. He is entirely expendable after he provides this service to the colony. The drone takes his mission seriously, however, and gives his life for the cause.
How Honeybees Do the Deed
Honeybee sex occurs in mid-air when the queen flies out in search of mates, her one and only “nuptial flight.” Drones compete for the chance to mate with their queen, swarming around her as she flies. Eventually, a brave drone will make his move.
As the drone grasps the queen, he everts his endophallus using a contraction of his abdominal muscles and hemostatic pressure and inserts it tightly into the queen’s reproductive tract. He immediately ejaculates with such explosive force that the tip of his endophallus is left behind inside the queen and his abdomen ruptures. The drone falls to the ground, where he dies soon after. The next drone removes the previous drone’s endophallus and inserts his, mates, and then dies as well.
And as the dying male drone bee falls to the ground he cries out,
“I’d have been better off having a wank”!]
Queen Bees Really Get Around
During her one nuptial flight, the queen will mate with a dozen or more partners, leaving a trail of dead drones in her wake. Any drones that remain around the hive in the fall will be unceremoniously driven from the colony before cold weather sets in. Honey stores are simply too precious to waste on a sperm donor. The queen, on the other hand, will store the sperm for use throughout her life. The queen can store 6 million sperm and keep them viable for up to seven years, with the potential of producing 1.7 million offspring during her lifetime, as she uses a few at a time to fertilize her eggs.
Bee Egg Development
In late winter, the queen then lays eggs in the cells of the hive, up to 1,000 in one day at the height of the season. The hive needs mature bees to be ready to go when flowers with pollen are emerging, but she will continue to lay eggs until fall. Worker bee eggs mature in about 21 days, drones in about 24 days (from unfertilized eggs), and other queens in about 16 days. The hive needs backup queens in case the queen dies, becomes incapable of laying eggs or is lost because a hive doesn’t survive without one.
What Workers Do
In contrast to the drones, female worker bees take on many jobs. They clean cells for eggs to be laid; feed larvae; construct the comb; guard the hive; and forage. They can lay an egg to become a drone if needed, but their eggs can’t become workers or queens.
Insects and Sexual Suicide
Though honeybee mating is one of the most dramatic examples of sexual suicide in the insect world, it’s not the only one. And in the grand scheme of things, it’s not as gruesome as it gets. How would you like your head to be eaten by your mate during sex like is the fate for some male praying mantis?
Gotcha in a way, cast the bait and reel them in, through layer after layer, as they approach the center, as in the church of the Druids. Be a fisher of men as you prepare for what has been called “The Age of the Holy Spirit”. Who knows, maybe you’ll get some high quality fish in there. Also, I should have been more explicit and said that America is a state of mind.
Well, as a stupid American, Mikey, you’re on to something. However, only 35% of visitors are from the USA, the rest from around the world. The advantage of being in the USA is that it is furthest along the decline; hence, it is easier to look back to see how the whole thing developed. E.g., a symptom of the end is the lack of differentiation; just in the mere 10 years of this blog, that has become undeniable.
There are plenty of writings, allegedly of not-watered down esoterism, that rely on this democratic principle: if you can just convince a sufficient mass of men, then change will come. Such writings — and even podcasts — may sound more pompous, but they are fundamentally unsound and misread the human condition.
Esoteric writings are of necessity difficult to understand; they are usually concealed — NOT revealed — in the text. Since at my stage of life, I am constantly aware of the cold breath of Death on my neck, I can reveal part of the method. To take your analysis further, matings with aliens can recall medieval legends about similar matings with incubi and succubi. These matings lead not to a superior race, as the Korean professor claims, but rather to decline. So the esoterist looks at that in more depth. He may then discern that the real alchemical mating is between the spirit and the soul, resulting in the birth of the Christ.
Hence, the real teachings take place in private. The point of the groups is not to save this cycle but rather to prepare for the next. Of course, it is too late. Just read Spengler’s Decline of the West, or Evola’s Pagan Imperialism. They recognized 100 years ago that it is “too late”. Many think that what is necessary is to create a political party that will get elected and put things to right. However, it’s been known since Plato that only Tyranny will follow Democracy. I can point that out, yet only a few will take notice.
Good God old man, really…I get that Gornahoor is at times, supposed to be a mash-up of “hermetic trickery” and “watered-down esotericism for stupid Americans” but this is getting out of hand. Regarding aliens, your readers should be aware of the armies of gog and magog as spoken of in Revelations and other traditions, that is, as the earth descends lower and lower into hell, the physical manifestation of demons becomes a possibility. Aliens are simply demons. Father Seraphim Rose did a few studies on this subject. Of course your efforts to form a veritable group before that time are really admirable, but who knows if it’s simply too late already?
I’m trying to find out why it is not available on amazon.com.br
I hope to have the ebook version available soon, when I get some time.
i would like very much to have your book
i live in brasil, so how exactly can i have it????
I would likle to you to send it to me, so how
can we make this operation?
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