Orientations: Point 4

⇐ Point 3   Point 5 ⇒

Here a new vision is put before our eyes. The regression of castes must be walked back up, but in today’s undifferentiated world, one’s caste is unclear. New spirits will awaken, but not from the expected places. This has nothing to do with economic classes. It is a revolt against the conformity of the bourgeois world, but from superior values, not the lower values of the mass man.

This awakening spirit comes from the inside and cannot be identified with an external movements. Thus all attempts to identify such spirits based on adherence to some political ideology or religious form will be far off the mark. Yet, these spirits will recognize each other and form natural hierarchic structures. It is not a “big tent” or equals, or debaters in endless conversation. Hence, counter-traditional movements that try to include anarchists or the abnormal cannot be part of this.

Sentimentality has no part of this, despite those who tell me I should “like” this person or web site, etc. But “liking” is not the issue. This sentimentality is opposed to “impersonality”, the idea that it is “strictly business, nothing personal”; this attitude comes apparently from a deep part of Evola and its source is not the Nordic soul.

The text follows.

Therefore, a new substance must clear the way in slow advance beyond the squares, the classes, and social positions of the past. It is necessary to keep a new pattern right in front of your eyes, in order to measure your own strength and calling. It is important and fundamental to recognize exactly that this pattern has nothing to do with classes as economic categories, and the antagonisms related to them. It could manifest itself in the clothing of the rich as well as the poor, of the worker as well as the aristocrat, of the businessman as well as the explorer, of the technician, theologian, farmer, or the politician in the strict sense. But this new substance will know an internal differentiation, which will be perfect when, again, there will be no doubt about the vocations and functions of followers and commanders, when a restored symbol of unshaken authority will tower over the center of new hierarchic structures.

That defines a direction that is as anti-bourgeois as anti-proletarian, a direction totally devoid of democratic contaminations and “social” foibles, because leading toward a clear, virile, articulated world, made by men and leaders of men. Disdain for the bourgeois myth of “security”, for the petty standardized, conformist, domesticated, and “moralized” life. Disdain for the anodyne bond characteristic of every collectivistic and mechanistic system and of all ideologies that grant to confused “social” values primacy over those heroic and spiritual values by which we have to define, in every domain, the type of true man, of the absolute person.

And something essential will be attained when the love for a style of active impersonality is revived, for which that which counts is the work and not the individual, for which a man is not capable of considering himself as something of importance, importance being instead his function, his responsibility, the task he adopts, the goal he pursues. Where this spirit asserts itself, many problems of the economic and social order will be simplified, which would otherwise remain insoluble if confronted from the outside, without the counter party of a change of spiritual factors and without the elimination of infectious ideologies that already in part prejudice every return to normality, as well as the perception itself of what normality means.

⇐ Point 3   Point 5 ⇒

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