From the Amazons to the Heroes

From the Amazons to the Heroes

The planets naturally are not the physical planets, but are designations used to define spiritual, super-individual forces, of which the physical planets are at most symbolic, sensible manifestations.

In other words, esoteric astrology represents our “essence”, who we are, what we are born with, something that in some way we ourselves have chosen or accepted. Pop astrology, on the other hand, is something that “happens” to us, from the outside, beyond our control, through merely material forces. Continue reading

Race and the Myth of the Origins of Rome I

Race and the Myth of the Origins of Rome I

In our day all of that is fantasy or superstition for many “serious” persons and many “critical” minds. The “facts” are the only things that count for them. The mythical traditions of the ancients have no value, or they have it only insofar as it is supposed that, here and there, they are confused reflections of real events. Continue reading

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