This is our Gold

Alchemically, Solarity is represented by Gold. The path to solarity is given in the piece titled “The Hermetic Caduceus and the Mirror” by Abraxas from Introduction to Magic. It starts off with this claim:

Every teaching of ours is illusory until it is translated into a practice and an action.

This distinguishes Hermetic philosophy from academic philosophy. It is not sufficient to know. One must also will and dare. This is what makes the ideas actual.

Abraxas tells us that it is necessary to firmly and actively establish a new quality, by becoming the master of a part of your life. The path to becoming one among the Solar race involves:

  1. Become innerly detached from yourself and from what surrounds you; maintain a sober, effortless, neutral, and well-balanced lifestyle, without excesses. Sleep only as needed and eat little.
  2. Let your body be whole, calm, harmonized. Temper your soul with the power that is in you; cleanse it from impulsiveness, passions, restlessness, and then stabilize it and amalgamate it with your body.
  3. Other beings do not exist. Do not let their actions, thoughts, or judgments affect you, no matter what they are.
  4. Make sure that nothing will secretly creep into you: watch over everything that comes from the outside and that emerges from the unexplored depths of your consciousness. Observe all things in silence with your mind and remain unperturbed, stopping every judgment with a firm hand.
  5. If passions bother you, do not react or become perturbed. Bring them deliberately to satisfaction, and then get rid of them.
  6. Grow in this direction until you are able to realize the frivolity, uselessness, and the threat of every thought, so that your mind, too, may slowly calm down and silently crouch at your feet.
  7. In this way you can slowly build up a strength inside you, similar to a lord whose glance instills silence, respect, or confusion in the servants around him.

3 thoughts on “This is our Gold

  1. I wish I had read this back when I first became interested in Evola’s writing on spiritual races. It would have avoided any confusion or disclarity.

  2. This is an old article, but as I reread through these, I was wondering: what distinguishes the third item on this list from solipsism? How should we understand the difference?

    “3. Other beings do not exist. Do not let their actions, thoughts, or judgments affect you, no matter what they are.”

  3. Very important formulation. I read this as a reminder.

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